Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to use .net SmokeTest

Here is a brief tutorial on using SmokeTest.

.net SmokeTest is a Windows application that presents an interactive interface into any .net Assembly allowing you to smoke-test an API via reflection. You Construct an instance, call a method, set a property or  field of any class Type from a dialog then view or "drill-down" into the result without ever writing a single line code. An indispensible tool for anyone involved in developing, testing and managing software products for Windows.

You can of course load any Assembly for smoke-testing however the default on startup lists all the in-process assemblies. One of these is the SmokeTest application itself which I will use to demonstrate the power and flexibility of .net SmokeTest.

Start the SmokeTest.exe application.

In the namespace tree on the left Navigate to the com.wesleysteiner.smoketest namespace and highlight the AboutBox class. You should see the AboutBox Constructors tab like this:

AboutBox is the managed class that displays the About .net SmokeTest dialog. This tutorial will demonstrate how you can invoke that dialog interactively. The same procedures apply to any class in the .net hierarchy.

The main application screen displays only the static members and constructors of the class-under-test in the panels on the right. Click on the other tabs to see what static members are available. Under the Properties tab you will notice a single static property AssemblyCopyright that returns a string.

Note that Properties and Fields will always "get" the current value automatically when you select it and display the result in the preview panel at the bottom. Constructors and Methods require that you invoke the function explicitly. The results of the last invocation are always displayed in the preview panel as a call to ToString(). Also the number of ticks and milliseconds to invoke the function are displayed on each call. In this case the "Set" button is disabled since this is a read-only property. For writable properties and fields an editable control would appear in the center of the panel where you could explicitly set the value.

So now, back to the AboutBox constructor tab. Select the single constructor and click on the "Create" button to create an instance of the AboutBox class.

Notice the "drill-down" button at the bottom right lights up with the name of the class just created. The drill-down button is common to any return result including built-in types and even Exceptions. Selecting this button will drill-down into the instance just created.

Click the drill-down button now. This will pop-up a smoketest dialog that lists the Methods, Properties and Fields of this instance of the AboutBox class. Now navigate to the ShowDialog method and click the "Call" button.

This will actually call the ShowDialog method of this AboutBox instance popping up the AboutBox dialog as would occur inside an application.

And there it is. Amazing isn't it!

You can also enter arguments for member functions that require them. For example here is the SmokeTest panel for System.IO.FileStream:

The current implementation supports the built-in argument types directly (int, string, bool, etc.) and any concrete reference types. Arguments are listed in the order they appear in the member declaration. Each argument row consists of the identifier name, an editable value control and a Type button. For built-in types and enums you can enter the value directly in the edit control provided. For reference types the program will create an instance of the class by calling it's default constructor if it exists. You can edit this default instance before invoking the member by clicking the "Edit..." button.

That's all there is to it. Now try it out with other classes and methods from your own Assemblies or just browse the Microsoft libraries. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Introducing .net SmokeTest for Windows

Introducing .net SmokeTest for Windows 

The idea for SmokeTest came to me while working on a project to create an API for clients. It's easy enough to create an API but to test it thoroughly, beyond unit testing, is a bigger task. Generally you need to create a small test app in code to call the function of interest with all type and values of arguments and check and report the return values. That's a lot of repetitive work especially when the API requires "setup" or "login" procedures before they are functional. There has got to be a better way.

Where there's smoke there's fire!
The first improvement was to create a monolithic test application that would let you navigate to any of the implemented functions and run the test suite for that function. Now you only have to do the setup once. The down-side is that you need to add a new test suite for every new API function and decide if it should share the code from an existing test or create a new one, doable but still a lot of work and not guaranteed to be in sync with your latest and greatest API.

Aha, Reflection
It then occurred to me that I could use .net reflection to discover all the namespaces and classes therein then present a tree of member functions that would always be up-to-date. Now we would just need to write a small "plug-in" that could be invoked for the function under test. Hey, now we're getting somewhere. A single app that is in sync with the API at all times and a small plug-in architecture to test each function. After toying with this concept for a short time the idea of creating and maintaining a plug-in architecture seemed daunting and overkill.

Reflected Arguments
The clincher was the realization that even the arguments and argument types for each member function are available via reflection. So now I could leverage reflection to determine the number and types of arguments to each function. The trick was to come up with a user interface that was easy to use and flexible enough to support any and all argument types.

So armed with a couple of weeks of free time on a cruise ship to Hawaii I decided to code the prototype for proof-of-concept. The result of those efforts was the first release of .net SmokeTest for Windows.

This first version only supported simple argument types like int, double and string. For most applications this covers a lot of the API and proved to be very useful indeed. Developers, QA and managers began using it when it was appropriate. It freed up developer's time since they no longer had to create a separate app to demonstrate the functionality. QA was more productive since they could test every edge condition rather than just what the developers decided to include and management started using it to debug support issues. All in all a useful tool across the board.

This is a real hands-on product. The best way to appreciate it's power is to try it out on your favorite Assembly, so go ahead and download it now, it's FREE. There is still a lot of room for features and enhancements. Here you'll find a list of stories I'm working on and some ideas for new features. Let me know if you have any suggestions or any thoughts you have.
